Tag - exploit

Chaining Bugs: NVIDIA GeForce Experience (GFE) Command Execution

NVIDIA GeForce Experience (GFE) v.<= 3.21 is affected by an Arbitrary File Write vulnerability in the GameStream/ShadowPlay plugins, where log files are created using NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM level permissions, which lead to Command Execution and Elevation of Privileges (EoP). NVIDIA Security Bulletin – April 2021 NVIDIA Acknowledgements Page Introduction Some time ago I was looking for file system...

Exploiting System Mechanic Driver

Last month we (last & VoidSec) took the amazing Windows Kernel Exploitation Advanced course from Ashfaq Ansari (@HackSysTeam) at NULLCON. The course was very interesting and covered core kernel space concepts as well as advanced mitigation bypasses and exploitation. There was also a nice CTF and its last exercise was: “Write an exploit for System...

Fuzzing: FastStone Image Viewer & CVE-2021-26236

IntroductionIn my precedent blog post I’ve introduced “fuzzing” from a theoretical point of view. As I’ve previously anticipated, today I’m going to disclose the fuzzing methodology, process and samples that led me to discover five different vulnerabilities in FastStone Image Viewer v.<=7.5. I’ll also go over the root cause analysis of CVE-2021-26236 and how to...