Behind The Scenes: Yarix Approach to Mobile Security
TLDR: This article highlights the Yarix Red Team’s daily challenges and internal work done to improve the quality of our outcomes. We will explore the topic by taking the Mobile Security field as a case: we will start with the common reporting problems every red team faces day after day, as well as those arising from the gaps in the...
Threat Actors leverage Chinese SHOPOEM Platforms to spread infamous scam campaign
As Yarix Cyber Threat Intelligence (YCTI) team, we keep a close eye on and track phishing and scam campaigns on a daily basis. Protecting the reputation and image of client companies is one of the main goals of YCTI’s Brand Abuse team. This includes determining whether and how their officially registered trademarks are being used to spread fraudulent campaigns that...
Java – Cracking the Random: CVE-2024-29868
If you employ a Java application with a token-based password recovery mechanism, be sure that said token isn't generated using: RandomStringUtils. Spoiler: You can crack it and predict all past and future tokens generated by the application!Some Context
During a Penetration Test I was sifting through the internet - as one often does - looking for ways to...